We Love Our Students
And we do our best to help you gain experience in an easy and fun way
1.7 million
users in the first year
102 courses
available today
22 english
courses in your language
We help you with your career
By teaching all the skills required for a new job
  • Design
  • Development
  • Marketing
    Each member of our team has at least 5 years of legal experience. They use their knowledge to make our clients’ life better.
  • IT and Software
  • Personal Development
  • Business
  • Photography
  • Music
How It Works
Sign up
Select the courses you need today and sign up for the next classroom to start education
Download your tools
Different courses may require different apps to ease your life. Follow the recommendations to achieve excellent results.
Have fun
Life is not only about studying. Play our games. Join interest clubs. Compete to win prizes. Travel more with us.
Support our mission
Help us with our goals by following our social networks, posting about us and inviting new students. You can also support us by donating on Patreon or Boosty.
Want to know how we teach languages?
Read about Duo School by clicking the button below
Corporate culture
Would you like Calev.Space to become an educational part of your company?
We will be happy to organise and provide classes according to the needs of your organisation.
Learn more